The all new KineticButler is designed for low to moderate volume areas where safety, speed, and compliance are critical. Its unique, sturdy design allows workers to put on shoe covers quickly, easily, and safely. While both the large and small units are portable and require no electricity, we find more demand for a smaller unit that is easier to tote around. The ease of the system ensures less work-loss from damage to important hand-carried tools & materials and reduces the chance of contamination in work areas or laboratories.
The KineticButler’s unique, sturdy design allows workers to put shoe covers on quickly, easily and safely. No longer will you find workers cutting corners and putting themselves at risk of falling by balancing precariously on one foot or leaning against a wall.
Industry reports indicate that it takes workers an average of 35 seconds to put on a pair of shoe covers. Using the KineticButler, application time is reduced to only 5 seconds; an 85.7% reduction. This is time that can be used for more productive tasks.