Buy Bridgepoint P.I.G. We deliver nationwide. For bulk supplies, order online! Questions call Schaper's Supply 215-592-0812
P.I.G. is a non-volatile multipurpose solvent used on carpet and fabric, designed to remove paint, ballpoint pen, stamp pad, duplicating, marking, writing, felt tip and colored art inks. Removes shoe polish, cosmetics and adhesives.
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Test fabric for compatibility. Apply a small amount of P.I.G. to a towel and blot the stain. Repeat this process until the greatest majority of colored pigment is removed from the fabric. Apply P.I.G. directly to the stain and lightly agitate.
Where appropriate, add a small amount of water or Avenge Stain Remover, agitate and extract with water. Repeat this process until stain is removed. If fabric is not water compatible, use a volatile solvent spotter to flush P.I.G. and the stain from the fabric.
Note: When using multi-purpose solvents such as P.I.G., always consider the possible negative effects on backing materials such as latex, foam cushion, and other stabilizing material. Use only with good ventilation.